Senin, 02 Februari 2015

Pilhadoras Bees

Yesterday I posted a poem, our colleague John de Paula, in our blog. I hope you enjoyed. I'm sure all identified the bees but, as not all are well aware that "damned People: pirates, bandits, thieves," I will try to show you some data on it. Some people even try to create on rational boxes and carry them into the meliponários, you may have noticed in the photo that accompanied the poetry, they are housed in a box.

See the information found on them in the table bee Apis Guide

  Lemon Bee / Iratim

Name Popular
Lemon Bee / Iratim
Scientific name
Lestrimelitta lemon (Smith, 1863)
Lestrimelitta lemon (Smith, 1863)

Common name: IRATIM


· Hymenoptera
. Apoidea
. Apidae
· Meliponini
Scientific name: Lestrimelitta lemon (Smith, 1863)
Common name: Iratim or straw Lemon (Nogueira-Neto, 1970).


Are social bees, pilhadoras, ie, plundering colonies
other species of bees (Michener, 1974). Do not visit flowers. The
nest entrance features wax protrusions (Sakagami and
Laroca, 1963). The honey produced by that bee species can
be dangerous (Nogueira-Neto, 1970).

Michener, C D. 1974. The social behavior of the bees: The
comparative study. Harvard University Press. 404 p.
Nogueira-Neto. 1970. The establishment of indigenous stingless bees.
Sakagami SF, 1963. Additional observations Laroca S on the habits
stingless bees of the cleptobiotic the genus Lestrimelitta Friese.
Journal of Faculty of Science Hokkaido University, Series I.

Source: Illustrated Guide to Bees are without state Sting
Distr. Geographic
Silveira et al., 2002. Bees Brazilian. Belo Horizonte.

Let's see what you have written about them, our friend, Antonio Carlos Faria, who one day thought of creating them rationally.

LEMON straw (Indigenous)

Faria AC - Pindamonhangaba-SP

Lemon straw - indigenous stingless bee - Lestrimelitta lemon (Smith 1863)
Prof * Fr. Moure (NNP)
Indigenous stingless bee - description:
Caraguatatuba, this coast.

On December 19 of the year of 1990, I received a message about a kind of different indigenous bees I knew, were in a vacant lot in a wall of cement blocks. I called Miguel Fernando beekeeper, to help me and took two boxes, as there was also in the same row of blocks, a swarm of jataí.

Indigenous bees have several ways to make the entry of mouth from their nests, as flight position of foraging bees, and this was a straight tube with wax resin and plant debris, in black, seemed an arm, but with fingers hanging of the same material in the tube - interesting.

The tube was resected, so I could not paste in the housing bore, we removed the swarm to a box and the jataí to the other box. The bees have understood the careful removal we did and entered the box where they were created and reservations pots.

The same procedure for both clusters, we hope to darken and take them home. Hung on the ranch, away from the complex jataí (so to say), several beehives lined up on the porch rafters, an urban meliponary, downtown.

12/20/90 - bees not left the box, were organizing inside, put a lid with honey bee apis.

22/12 / 90- I noticed that the bees did not work in the morning, keeping closed the entrance and just after noon, opened the mouth of the inlet and widened, as a horn.

02/02/91 - divided the swarm with Miguel Fernando beekeeper, who took his meliponary, who had jataí, Iraí, tubuna, mandaçaia, apis, junior and now these iratins.

In 14/03/91 - Miguel called saying that iratins attacked jataís but were rechassadas because Jatai bee is very brave, for its size, in defense of their home.

17/03/91 - Miguel called saying that iratins had attacked Chui hive, bees calm, small, after these bees lemon attacked the hives of Apis mellifera, then he decided to open the lemon box to see what was going on.
When he opened the box, the smell of wax of straw lemon ouriçou its ten beehives tubunas, which began attacking the straw lemon, and Miguel decided to take the box into a room of your house. It did not help, because the tubunas were back and decimated the straw lemon, the floor was full of dead bees, had no way to avoid.

The my iratins (straw) were well after 6 months, 19/06/91, decided to attack the Irais bees, which were among the hives jataís, and were rejected by jataís. Therefore, I took the box home from meliponicultor Mario Luiz, who was of our group of creators, he hung on the ranch near your meliponary.
The next day they attacked his bees and we had to take them to the forest at the foot of the Sierra Mar.

It was for the Dr, Paulo Nogueira Neto, "are marauding bees".

Bee - Black, shiny, long abdomen, head looks like a polished helmet, ant face.

Creates - discs tower strong enough cell diameter ranging from 8 to 12cm, according to the space.

Honey - sweet
Entry - A straw with fingers hanging screening for the fly of phorid.

Wax - Dark Brown

CVCD - Black, viscous, as some species of bees.

Exterminate them? No, it is a species that must have some function in nature, must be studied, for your honey or your wax may have medicinal properties.

Creates them? Only if it is on farms, where there is space away from apiaries and meliponários to avoid losses.

Faria / 2009

You can see more about this bee on page USP bees Laboratory

Photos entries
hives entries
Photos: Marilda Cortopassi Laurino - Bee Laboratory

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